Wyc Wong reviewed Iceland Explore Tours – 5 star
Josephine Cheng reviewed Iceland Cantonese Speaking Travel Agency 冰島探索旅行社 – 4 star
7 January at 13:07 ·
好想在這裡代表我們十二朵美麗的金花向這位陪伴我們整個探索之旅行程 ( 極光,冰lll,冰洞,冰上電單車及騎冰島馬 ) 的Nateria Chow……….雖然我們沒有在她面前讚她……但名人心中是非常佩服此女子可身兼司機與導遊,更另我覺驕傲的是她是來自香港的小女子……雖然個子小但是能力比男子更強……掌握時更是她的強項!很有性格的Nateria正好配合呢班Hehe Haha 的我們……從她否白後我們更知她來自的壓力何在……加油呀!Nateria ! �
Heidi Lau reviewed Iceland Cantonese Speaking Travel Agency 冰島探索旅行社 – 4 star
7 January at 16:54 ·
我們剛剛完成7天冰島探索之旅。用冰與火來形容冰島是最貼切的。有冰川/冰洞……有火山/熔岩/噴泉。冰島的大自然奇觀……獨特的海岸線/奇形怪狀的岩層,加上欣賞倒極光……We All Love It�
同時也多謝Mio,翻譯和講解(駕雪地摩托車,行冰洞和騎馬),怎樣操作和要注意事項� (我d英文不好,非常幫到手)
Natalia, 你對工作的認真和投入, 我們全感受到的。你也有香港人的併搏精神�。希望你也要保重身體,俗語話“健康就是財富”。2018祝生意精精日上,並祝你和你的家人身體健康,心想事成(好似拜年�)。就提早同你拜年啦……Wishing you good fortune in the year of the dog.�
Clara Cheung: Natalia, 好多謝你喺冰天雪地,風雪飄揚的道路上,送我們去探索冰島的美艷,你的駕駛專業,細心,令坐在你背後的我,可以完全放心去欣賞冰島景色,再次多謝你對冰島景點的詳盡講解及駕駛態度,冰島的美。。。我會再嚟探索
Benty Hon: Natalía Nam Yin Chow,今次冰島冬天的美,與夏天的看法不一樣,值得一來再來,我已看過夏,冬兩季,渴望下次有機會看看冰島的秋色是否跟你講的一樣咁靚……
Angel Lam reviewed Iceland Explore Tours – 5 star
23 October 2017 ·
十月份參加咗由”阿周小姐” 公司所辦嘅極光旅行團,好幸運地比我哋睇到極光,其實一直都知要與極光相遇是要講緣份的…..今次除咗緣份之外,有一個好專業嘅導遊同樣重要!”阿周小姐” 不斷為我哋搜尋資料及地方,為嘅就係希望我哋只能留在冰島短短呢幾日,能夠實現見極光嘅願望。另外我們途經所有嘅景點,”阿周小姐” 都非常用心向我哋介紹及講有關嘅歷史。冰島現在對我嚟講,絕對係一個要一去再去嘅地方。多謝你 “阿周小姐”
林旻萱 reviewed Iceland Cantonese Speaking Travel Agency 冰島探索旅行社 – 5 star
18 October 2017 ·
周姐姐是極光達人,帶我們去私房景點看極光。人好客氣又親切!就像自己的大姐,不論風景、美食還是航班都很照顧我們。志玲姐姐是ㄧ個很好的導遊,還特地帶我們去吃傳說中的熱狗!!整個冰島旅遊,有深度也有溫度,很推薦這個tour!! 下次還要再來。
Joy Liu reviewed Iceland Cantonese Speaking Travel Agency 冰島探索旅行社 – 5 star
18 October 2017 ·
James Ng reviewed Iceland Cantonese Speaking Travel Agency 冰島探索旅行社 – 5 star
9 October at 11:40 ·
剛結束冰島旅程,實在感謝冰島探索旅遊為我們安排7日6夜的行程配套、與及富經驗的司機和導遊,使我們能獲得一個精彩嘅旅程。在此特別要嗚謝導遊小姐Sofia ,她不但專業,而且還非常盡心盡力照顧我們,行程中更與我們一行6人打成一片,最難忘係齊齊看極光、行山摘藍梅、一起過中秋節及享受fine dining!若有朋友要到冰島,一定推薦給他們!
Estela Cheng reviewed Iceland Explore Tours – 5 star
“Iceland Explore Tour" by Ben Kwan
Ben Kwan San Francisco, CA USA That was a wonderful trip.The view is spectacular, with our guide Natalia, she is helpful and knowledge. We leaned the history. culture of Vikings; the most important things are neutral of the earth and eyewitness global warming is real. I am strongly recommend Iceland Explore Tour for your next Iceland visit.
“Iceland tour sept 23 to oct 1 2017″ by Joseph W
Our group of 26 from North America had a wonderful and memorable experience. Iceland is majestically and mistily beautiful even in rainy weather. We had sunny weather walking on the Glacier. Thanks to our knowledgeable tour guide Miss Asia Natalia Chow we were awed by the magic of the northern lights. Beyond our expectation. Iceland is a must see. J & C
“Excellent Tour"
We booked this excursion with our travel agency and we were not disappointed. It was an amazing tour where we had lots of fun climbing glaciers and seeing wonderful sights.
Most amazingly we were lucky enough to see the Northern Lights and our very polite and wonderful tour guide had all the right equipment to capture the amazing photos of us in it.
We were pleasantly surprised by the excellent service provided and are delighted to have such wonderful memories from the event.
Ask annawctravels about Iceland Explore Tours
“冰島12天之旅" by Brenda Y
Yee Mui Tsui reviewed Iceland Explore Tours – 5 star
2 October 2017 ·
“Round the island trip"
Reviewed by Peggy L
Natalia, our guide, has arranged everything nicely and we are able to enjoy the scenery and all the great spots in ICELAND. With her explanation we know much better not just the landscape but the culture and history of ICELAND in a personal way!
Good lunches booked in advance and great shopping at local supermarket to prepare dinner of our own when needed! Superb BBQ at the highland! thanks again Natalia!
The companionship is always money can’t buy! We are also grateful– the weather had been very kind to us–two bright blue days on the glacier! Windy and very windy days, such an experience of walking hand in hand! Photo stopping, horse watching, toilet break….we do need an experienced Icelander as our guide!
“Fantastic voyage "
Reviewed by daphnecym
Iceland is a fascinating place so unique with its geographical wonders (glaciers, geysers, amazing landforms) and there we (a group of 14) went in July ’17. We wanted to do a lot of sightseeing and some action filled adventures (glacier walk, snowmobiling and hiking were my favorites). I’m very impressed with our driver guide Natalia’s professionalism, sincerity and her classically trained music talent which she shared with us now and then. Iceland is definitely a destination and choosing Iceland Explore Tours is a double win.
“An amazing Iceland island hopping trip with lovely friends."
2 weeks agoReviewed by Jo C
Jul 7,2017. We were a group of 14 from 7 families had planned a 2 weeks island hopping holiday in Iceland. To find a reliable professional travelling agent in Iceland is not easy at all as it has become a new hot place for exploring. Then , after lots of effort and some cold shoulders, our team leader found Natalia n her company. She is a professional travelling agent of this unique land, devoting her high focus on the challenging trip schedule, especially, we were not a small group with different paces during the trip. The majestic landscape, the extra ordinary beautiful views, the unforgettable mid night sun ,the crazy strong wind ,the unbelievable huge floating ice, the blue soft spring, the wonderful glacier n ice tunnel……All will be in my memory forever. Thanks Natalia for bringing them to me. jo chow @hong kong
NiNi Cheng: 去年九月前往冰島旅行,在周小姐細心講解以及超棒的中文解說讓這趟旅程豐富不少,推薦給要前往冰島旅行的大家
M Lee: “7 days customized Iceland trip”
Amazing guide and driver (Natalia), really passionate about her work and wealth of knowledge of Iceland. Natalia helped us planned for the 7 days trip around Iceland for our group that kept growing from 8 to total of 12. Although we had ran into a few weather issues, she made her adjustments and recommendations to the group and we were able to complete the trip with everything planned and much more. I highly recommend her services and glad to ask for her on my next trip.
Visited March 2017
Anna Ng: Natalia對冰島有濃厚的感情,在冰島南北部居住了一段長時間,熟悉冰島的地理文化。她細心又有責任感,希望每位到訪旅客能夠感受最多冰島的美境。我團先後兩次過上大風暴,幸好Natalia對地理環境熟悉,隨了化險為宜還沒有擔誤任何行程,看到Natalia開車與風暴各力,真替她辛苦。希望不久的將來我會再到訪冰島,感受她繁花遍野的另一面,到時又要麻煩Natalia了。
Rosana Tat Ng: 我們是香港人剛結束8天行程!得到周小姐的細心安排!編行程都會不停提醒我們怎樣才可以舒服而又參覌到多的名勝!食物也是安排得豐富!午餐及晚餐都好好味、完全適合我們香港人的口味!車輛又舒服!若有問題提出、立刻跟進、睇極光也提我們拍照留意什麼是最好的方法、也不停幫我們拍照留念、令我們深感榮幸!也拍到自己喜歡的角度。令各人都留下美麗的回憶!希望夏天再來時、也請周小姐安排!最後周小姐還邀請我們到她家裏品嚐她烹調的晚餐!簡直留下深刻的回憶。
Janus Chui: 未去冰島前,感覺這個地方很冷,是被[冰島]這個名字誤導了,到步後這感覺是可以接受,加上遇到一個貼心的導遊兼司機(阿周小姐);這次旅程的主菜係睇極光,但我們到步後第二日己經有幸睇到,但當日雲層較厚,所以要求若有機會要再睇一次,第三晚機會真的來了,這更精彩,因我們個團只包一晚極光,而阿周小姐都無加收費,更在預定景點加遊附近景點,令我地不斷有驚喜,超贊!!最後係我們旅程結速前一晚再比個驚喜我地~招呼去佢屋企作客,食左個豐富晚餐~真窩心,更令這個旅程更加錦上添花,多謝阿周小姐的細心,貼心同窩心的招待!
Louisa Lin: “Highly recommended !”
Reviewed March 18, 2017
It was so nice that we had joined Iceland Explore Tours for our Iceland trip.
Although we knew Natalia Chow the tour guide for only 6 days, she had been so sincere and helpful that i felt like traveling with a good friend.
I must congratulate Natalia for being so well equipped and knowledgeable as a tour guide. She knew Iceland inside out, Not only she knows her job well, she has he passion to make her service near to perfection to meet the expectations of your clients.
I have no hesitation at all in recommending your service to anyone working on a plan to visit Iceland.
Visited March 2017
“Great Tour Guide!”
Reviewed March 3, 2017
I searched a customize tour and found Iceland Explore Tour company. The owner Natalia Chow coordinated well with me. She is caring and knowledgeable, responded well with our request, what a great tour guide. She speaks well in English, Cantonese and Mandarin, and of course Icelandic. She is such an entertainer as well, we enjoyed her singing while driving us. I would strongly recommend her to be your tour guide.
Visited February 2017
Shanice: “Fun & Memorable”
Reviewed November 26, 2016
We are a party of 3 gals visiting Iceland first time, hoping to have a free & easy personalized trip and chanced upon Natalia’s profile on Iceland guide website.
She is knowledgeable and we enjoyed her company, listening to Icelandic history, geography, sagas and especially her beautiful singing. Natalia is also understanding and accommodative to our request and tried her best to fulfill it.
It was indeed a very memorable and unforgettable trip in Iceland, especially the moment we saw the Aurora. Thank you Natalia for making our trip memorable and we hope we can make another trip in the near future.
Visited November 2016
Jinho Park: I am very happy to recommend Natalie if you need a good guide in Iceland Me and my customers are very happy to do tour in Iceland.
Yu Wen Wang: 中文導覽很清楚完整
Maria W: “Memorable trip in Iceland”
Reviewed July 7, 2016 via mobile
We are a party of 4 visiting Iceland for 2 weeks in latter half of June, 2016. Natalia Chow was our driver guide. She brought us to interesting places with excellant views some of which not usually visited by group tours. We were also very satisfied with the hotels and restaurants that she booked for us. Of course she came from Hong Kong was another bonus.
Visited June 2016
Roland T:“Natalia Chow, A Tour Guide Who Knows Her Stuff”
Reviewed December 5, 2015
We are a party of ten, visiting Iceland for the first time, so we were extra cautious when it came to sourcing for a guide to lead us. When asking around, one name always came up…Natalia Chow, initially from Hong Kong, but now a naturalized Icelander and an expert in all things Iceland.
This is one feisty lady…one who is not only a superb guide, but one who wears her heart on her sleeve, and she leaves no stone unturned when preparing our itinerary, even accounting for weather changes in the rough Icelandic winter, with a ready Plan B to boot. She regaled us with interesting facts and stories, displaying superb knowledge as well as wonderful linguistic skills…not forgetting her beautiful soprano voice, entertaining us with “Little Things Mean A Lot".
We feel very much at home with her, whether following her lead while hunting for the Aurora lights, or at the various attractions that this wonderful land has to offer, safe in the knowledge that we are in good hands.
This review is being written at the cafe in the Blue Lagoon, during our last night in Reykjavic (pronounced Rey-keh-vick) she patiently told us a few times.
We will leave this marvelous place tomorrow, with fond memories of our stay here…Iceland has really made an indelible impression of us…its many attractions, fantastic food (which was a wonderful surprise as we were expecting bland Scandinavian food as shown on some food channels), wonderful hotel (refer to my review on Foss Hotel Reyjkavic, but most of all thankful for having encountered this dynamic, petite lady.
We will definitely be back!!
Visited December 2015
From the Denver Post:
Beyond glaciers and hot springs, Iceland is a tourist’s wonderland
Island of ice and fire
By Mim Swartz
Special to The Denver Post
…….Icelanders talk about the melting ice and shrinking glaciers. Natalia Chow, who has lived in Iceland 20 years, is a onetime opera singer from Hong Kong and now a tour guide in Iceland. (She was a delightful bonus to the trip, as she channeled Renee Fleming one night at dinner, belting out a tune from “The Merry Widow." Her impromptu performance brought forth chefs from the restaurant kitchen. She also sang a lighter “Little Things Mean A Lot" as she drove our tour van along the Ring Road back to Reykjavik.)
She said scientists estimate that in 200 years there will be no ice left in Iceland.
“So in 200 years’ time you don’t need to come back to Iceland," she said.
That could be the outline for a tragic opera……
Sofia Cheung:“Exellent guiding expert In Iceland”
Reviewed October 25, 2015
It was a pleasant visit to the Golden Circle with Natalia today, she is very knowledgable in terms of Icelandic history, myths and geography not only for the destined spots, but also objects and spots all the way. She gave out all the knowledges in depth she has mastered through out decades of experience, people will learn a lot about Iceland after tour with her.
Besides her knowledge, she is also a good singer, she sings beautiful Icelandic song to us as well.
I highly recommend her to anyone who like to learn real Iceland in pleasant atmosphere. She speaks fluent Cantonese,English and Icelandic as well.
Visited October 2015